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February 20, 2024

The Basics Of Death Certificates Explained

Most people don’t give much thought to death certificates until they have a death in the family. A death certificate is the permanent legal record needed to prove that a person has actually died.

Most people don’t give much thought to death certificates until they have a death in the family. A death certificate is the permanent legal record needed to prove that a person has actually died. A copy of the death certificate is necessary to execute a will, file legal paperwork, deal with real estate transactions and submit insurance claims.

Historically, deaths, baptisms and marriages were recorded by local churches. The civil registration of births, marriages, and deaths by secular courts has a long history in the United States, beginning with a law enacted by Virginia in 1632. The concept of these laws was the protection of individual rights, particularly relating to ownership and distribution of property, rather than for statistical uses.

In 1902, when the U.S. Bureau of the Census was made a permanent agency of the federal government, the legislation authorized the director of the Bureau to obtain, annually, copies of records filed in the vital statistics offices of those states and cities that have death registration systems. A standard death certificate format was developed around 1910 and by 1915, the national registration was established. In 1933, all states were required to record births and deaths and provide data to the federal Census Bureau.


In Pennsylvania, a physician (or other qualified medical professional) must sign a death certificate within 96 hours of the death occurring. The death certificate provides important information about the decedent, such as age, sex, race, date of death, his or her parents, and, if married, the name of the spouse; information on circumstances and cause of death; and final disposition. The filing of the death certificate is the responsibility of the funeral director. The registrar signs the last section of the death certificate and submits it to the PA Vital Records.


Buch Funeral Home will submit an electronic death certificate, which will notify Social Security. In addition, if the person qualifies for Veteran’s death benefits, Buch will notify the Veteran’s Administration of the death. You will need to provide certified copies of the death certificate, which the funeral home will supply to you, when you are managing a pension, claiming life insurance, closing accounts and transferring ownership of any vehicles, real estate, or other property. The checklist below will help you determine how many copies of the death certificate you may need.

  • Register of Wills
  • Pension & Retirement
  • Life Insurance*
  • Health Insurance
  • Credit Cards*
  • Personal Loans
  • Home Mortgage
  • Bank Accounts*
  • Safe Deposit
  • Financial Investments
  • Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Real Estate Deeds
  • State Revenue Department
  • Internal Revenue Service

 * one copy needed for each company, financial institution, policy and/or account

If you find that you need additional copies of the death certificate, you can contact Buch Funeral Home to obtain additional copies within 90 days of the date of death. Copies requested after 90 days must be processed by Vital Records in New Castle, PA. You can also order copies of the death certificate online at or


All fees for death certificates are established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and paid directly to them. Currently, the standard death certificate fee is $20, along with a processing fee. This fee may be waived for records of individuals who served in the Armed Forces and their dependents.


In Pennsylvania, applicants must be 18 years of age or older to request a death certificate and include the following: a spouse or ex-spouse, parent or step-parent, child or step-child, sibling or half-sibling, grandparent or great-grandparent, grandchild or great-grandchild, or legal representative. To request a certificate, you’ll need to have proof that you’re related to the deceased. You may also be required to provide additional information, like their last known address, race, birthplace, or marital status.


To request the certificate, you’ll likely need the following information about the deceased:

  • Full legal name
  • Sex
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Place of death
  • Father’s legal name
  • Mother’s maiden name
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Who can be a beneficiary? In most cases, people name their spouse, children or someone who financially depends on them as beneficiaries. A beneficiary can also be a sibling, other family member, friend, charity or trust. There are two types of beneficiaries: primary and contingent. If the primary beneficiary is deceased, then the asset goes to the contingent beneficiary. Why is it important to designate beneficiaries? Beneficiary designations take effect immediately after death. Because of this, they override any instructions that may be in a will regarding the distribution of assets. Having beneficiaries named on an account circumvents the probate process and helps ensure that assets can be transferred to heirs without delay. Even if you write a legal will leaving the assets to another person, whoever is listed as the beneficiary on your accounts is the person who will inherit. Matching beneficiary designations with provisions in your will can ensure that your wishes are followed properly. Retirement account beneficiaries Even changing your job can necessitate updating your beneficiary. If you roll over your retirement account, make sure that the account lists the correct beneficiaries. Previous beneficiary designations generally will not automatically move with your assets. Provisions for beneficiaries vary from plan to plan and state law — some of which automatically eliminate former spouses as beneficiaries. However, for many employer-sponsored retirement plans, such as 401(k) plans, these laws do not apply. A cautionary tale Suppose you married in your twenties, had two children and set up a life insurance policy, naming your then-spouse as beneficiary. Fifteen years later, you have divorced and remarried, and now, you have a child with your new partner. If you never updated your beneficiaries on your life insurance policy, your ex-spouse would inherit, leaving no proceeds for your current spouse or any of your three children. Take the time now to check that beneficiary information on your accounts is accurate and up to date. Updating your beneficiaries is simple, usually requiring filling out paperwork or making changes online. DISCLAIMER: Individual circumstances and state laws vary. Only undertake estate planning with the help and assistance of an attorney licensed in your state. If you need advice about designating your beneficiaries, talk to an attorney or estate planner to help ensure your final wishes are carried out.
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Consoling a member of your family or close friends over the loss of a loved one can be difficult, but figuring out how to acknowledge that same kind of loss to a coworker or employee adds another layer of complexity. With family and friends whom you have a close relationship, you have the benefit of knowing that person and how you might help them manage their grief. You may not have that same level of familiarity with coworkers. A first step for managers or supervisors of someone who has experienced a loss is to make sure that your employee is aware of how the company (and you) can support them during their time of grief. Make sure that they know about the company's bereavement policy and any human resources support that are in place. In addition, let them know that you are aware that grief can have an impact on their ability to think clearly and perform their job duties. Flexibility is key to helping them. Everyone has struggled to manage the demands of work at one time or another. On average, U.S. employees receive four days of paid leave. Returning to work in such a short period of time can be challenging. Considering that the very real physical symptoms of grief, including ‘brain fog’ and loss of energy can decrease work productivity, coworkers can help by offering to assist them with some of their duties. Coworkers can also support grieving people by acknowledging their loss in person, with a note, or email. Whatever method you chose, it’s important to acknowledge their loss in some way. Remember to keep it simple. Avoid cliches about ‘being in a better place’ or giving advice. If you talk with them, don’t ask about details of the death, which can be upsetting. Simply listening is the best thing you can do. Don’t be tempted to share your stories of loss. Now is not the time to focus on your experience. It’s time to support someone else along their journey. If you don’t know your coworker well, be observant and take your cues from them. Judging as best you can when they are open to talking or when they prefer privacy. Most importantly, give them the time they need to deal with their loss. Grief doesn’t just magically disappear in few weeks or month. It ebbs and flows for a long time, sometimes even years. So, remember to periodically check back in with your coworker to see how they are managing their grief. 
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